

Conan is no longer used to build CHM. Spack is now used

CHM uses spack to manage and build all dependencies. Because of the various requirements on build configuration, versions, and inter-dependencies, using system libraries it not supported.

Build requirements

Linux (x86_64) and Macos (arm64) are the only supported environments.

The following have been tested

Build env requirements:
  • cmake >=3.21 (via apt-get/brew)

  • C++14 compiler (gcc 9.3.0+) (via apt-get/brew)

  • Fortran 90+ compiler (gfortran) (via apt-get/brew)


Unfortunately the Intel compiler doesn’t currently work with applications that also link against GSL. This is being investigated. For now, please do no build CHM with Intel Compilers.

Build dependencies


On Macos, the openmp library should be installed via homebrew:

brew install libomp



Building CHM without MPI support is now deprecated. MPI is now required.

Other MPI versions probably work, but only OpenMPI has been tested.

Ensure MPI is installed on linux: libopenmpi-dev and openmpi-bin

Install spack

Install spack.

Clone the CHM spac-repo

git clone /some/path/here/

then create repos.yml in ~/.spack and add the path to the above cloned spack-repo. It will look like this

$ cat ~/.spack/repos.yaml
      - /some/path/here/spack-repo
      - $spack/var/spack/repos/builtin

Setup CHM source folders

An out of source build should be used. That is, build in a separate folder removed from the CHM source. This makes it easier to clean up and start from scratch. An example is given below:

cd ~/
git clone --recurse-submodules

mkdir ~/build-CHM

Build dependencies

This step will build and install the dependencies via spack.

spack env create chm path/to/CHM/spack.yml
spack concretize
spack install -j 8 # number of parallel builds, adjust accordingly

Build CHM


The follow instructions assume that they are invoked from within ~/build-CHM (or your equivalent).

You can set the install prefix to be anywhere, such as shown in the example below

cmake ~/CHM -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/chm-install

Both ninja and make (this is the default) are supported. To use ninja, add

cmake ~/CHM -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/chm-install -G "Ninja"

Ninja speeds up compilation of CHM by ~6%.

The default build option creates an optimizted “release” build. To build a debug build, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.

Intel compiler

If the Intel compiler is used, add the following cmake flags:


High performance allocators

By default jemalloc is used.



Using make

make -jN CHM

where N is the number of parallel jobs (e.g., total core count).

Using Ninja

ninja -C .

Run tests

Tests can be enabled with -DBUILD_TESTS=TRUE and run with make check/ ninja check


make install/ninja install

Build docs

To build the documentation requires Doxygen and Sphinx+Breathe+Exhale.

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
pip install breathe
pip install exhale@git+

The exhale version requirement: see issue#200.

The documentation can be built with:

cd CHM/docs
READTHEDOCS="True" make html

The env var is required to ensure the correct directories are searched for in-source builds.


The high performance allocators may need to be disabled and can be done via -DUSE_TCMALLOC=FALSE -DUSE_JEMALLOC=FALSE

Building on Compute Canada (WestGrid)

To build on Compute Canada stack machines, such as Graham, all dependencies must be built from source to ensure the correct optimizations are used. This should be done with the Compute Canada easybuild system.

Only the gcc/9.3.0 environment is supported. This can be enabled with

module load gcc/9.3.0

Build all dependencies that are not available from compute canada stack

git clone
cd easy_build
chmod +x

Ensure the environment is correctly setup

module load armadillo/10.4.1
module load cgal/5.2.1
module load hdf5/1.10.6
module load meteoio
module load func
module load netcdf/4.7.4
module load gdal/3.2.3
module load boost-mpi/1.72.0
module load openblas/0.3.9
module load gsl/2.6
module load eigen/3.3.7
module load sparsehash
module load tbb/2020.2
module load trilinos/13.3.0
module load netcdf-c++4/4.3.1
module load vtk/9.0.1
module load proj/9.0.1
module load jemalloc/5.3.0
module load cmake

Optionally you can save this with module save chm.

Then build CHM

git clone  # get CHM source code
mkdir ~/chm-build && cd ~/chm-build # make build directory
make -j10