Mesh generation

CHM uses a variable resolution, unstructured mesh. This mesh is generated using the Mesher software. It needs to be installed separately from CHM.

An example of a mesh is shown below


The output .mesh, .param, and .ic from mesher, as documented here are used as input, without modification, to CHM.

Mesh permutation

Although critical for MPI use, this feature does give ~10-15% speedup for non MPI runs and thus should almost always be done.

Because the unstructured mesh does not guarantee that triangles close in space are close in memory, mesher can permute the mesh to optimize this layout. Details on doing so are detailed here.

In brief: -i meshfile.mesh -t metis -n 2

Note, this will overwrite the input file. This example will produce a 2 MPI rank metis permuted mesh for use with MPI.

MPI compatibility

In MPI mode, CHM needs to be able to only read part of the mesh on a per-MPI rank basis. Therefore a HDF5 mesh is used. Mesher does not produce this format. However, CHM can convert from the Mesher json format to HDF5.


  1. Create mesh as normal with Mesher and apply the permutation. This must use the metis partitioning type.

  2. Convert the mesh to h5 or partitioned h5 via the Partition tool.


The mesh must be a metis permuted mesh

To load the h5 files:


To load the partitioned files:

   "mesh": "granger1m_mesh.np2.partition"

Note that no extra parameter section is needed when loading partition files.

As the partition files are computed for n ranks, they cannot be used with any more or fewer ranks.


HDF5 and json meshes/param files cannot be mixed.

Mesh versioning

The mesh formats are versioned to ensure required features are present. Mesh versions follow sematic versioning.

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,

  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and

  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Mesh Versions





Base version from Mesher

json + h5


RCM or nd permuted meshes

json + h5


metis permuted mesh

h5 only


Same as 2.0.0, but partition rank owner is computed during partition

h5 + partitioned + mpi