

The conversion of the vtu format to arbitrary GIS formats is provided by vtu2geo located in tools/vtu2geo/ Requires vtk and gdal + python bindings for each.

This tool produces an internal shp file that corresponds to the triangulation and uses GDAL to rasterize this to an output geotiff.

The vtu files contain multiple variables. Therefore, each output geotiff is a 1-band file corresponding to the selected output. The variables of interest as set in the variables list.

For vtu variables that are parameters (and therefore constant with time), only 1 output file is needed. These are defined in the parameters list. Only 1 geotiff will be produced from these.

input_path should be either a single .vtu file or a the .pvd file. If a pvd file is given it will produce a tiff for each vtu.

output_path is the output path. If output into the current folder is wanted, use '.'.

pixel_size is the size of the raster cells in m^2. var_resample_method and param_resample_method determine what resampling method to use when calculating on a clipped raster.

# Configuration file for vtu2geo tool

# Input path to where output vtu files are located
input_path = 'meshes/SC1506124800.vtu'
output_path = 'meshes/'

# Output variables
variables = ['snowdepthavg']  #set to None to dump all variables
var_resample_method    = {'snowdepthavg':'average'} # Methods to use when calculating clipped raster

# Output parameters
parameters = ['Elevation'] # paramters are one offs we want to extract from the vtu files
param_resample_method    = {'Elevation':'average'} # Methods to use when calculating clipped raster

# Output pixel size that the mesh is interpolated to (?)
pixel_size = 30 # (m)